Прологарифмируем обе части:
В правой части применим свойство логарифма:
Продифференцируем обе части:
Находим производные, учитывая то, что в обеих частях расположены сложные функции:
Выразим производную:
Подставим выражение для у:
Можно применить формулу деления степеней:
She said she had heard about it before.
Miss Barkley said that I would come with her to see Ann.
He said he didn’t know.
My friend said that he hadn’t joined them in the bar.
My cousin said he couldn’t help me.
His parents said to him that they knew all about it then.
Nick said that he had been working all day the day before.
She said he didn’t know why he had wanted to go to war.
His friend said that he had been leading a sort of an interesting life.
Пошаговое объяснение:
1,4 +14t - 5t^2=h
1,4 +14t - 5t^2=8
14t - 5t^2-6.6=0
Решаем квадратное уравнение
3*23*5-99=246 Ответ 246 рублей стоит гвоздика